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Old 03-05-2020, 10:40 AM   #5052 (permalink)
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I don't think so, with regard to Florida. It's been a swing state for as long as I remember. It was never solidly blue. And in terms of state government it's always been red from what I recall.

1) I don't believe that snow birds moving down there is any sort of new thing or that it's changed much in recent years. If anything it slowed down due to rising real estate prices and the housing crash.

2) If you look at the map for the results, Trump lost in South Florida by a significant margin. He lost the county he has his resort in, Palm Beach. He lost in Orlando and Tampa areas. He won the state by a little less than 1%, which is around what Obama won by in 2012. It's likely that Hillary could've won Florida if she was an even slightly better candidate.
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