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Old 04-15-2020, 06:34 AM   #1476 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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Originally Posted by Exo View Post
Update on my gf's mom.

She's on day 10. Her fever keeps coming back and forth but yesterday she had some tightness in her lungs. No trouble breathing but her cough was a little worse and it hurt. Doctor says it's part of the process. She's going to beat this f*cker unless one of those rapid deterioration cases happens. She's healthy and not overweight so I'm going to hope that doesn't happen as it's less likely.

We're almost through this but it's really just a warm up to having to most likely do this with my own parents, relatives, friends, my gf, and even myself.
Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
It creeped up on me real quick, but I believe it's a different spectrum based on a few variables. Mine started with a tinny or weird taste in my mouth for a few days, like when you feel like you're coming down with something, then I broke out with a few zits here and there which isn't too weird, but kinda out of the ordinary, then the dry cough, and finally came to full fruition with pain in the bottom of my lungs, which I thought was some sort of lower back issue, then the trouble breathing and fluid build up started that night. It lasted about 12 hours until my body started to recover to where I didn't think I was in danger.

Godspeed to her Exo.
^ Hope no-one minds if I cut and paste these from another thread. I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles, Exo and Plankton, but I'm also quoting you to introduce this simple tip for anyone who has the bad luck to get cv: lie on your stomach to help breathing:-

"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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