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Old 04-21-2020, 01:02 PM   #5764 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
I don't agree with this assertion, but Denmark seems legit.
Well, this is why I mentioned the plurality. America has a lot of problems getting social policy passed because we're not a homogenous race. But neither is the globe. The Nordics have tiered social safety nets that never get discussed in the US, but you can't Copy&Paste because we're far more tolerant of immigrants in the US, we don't have a similar concept of citizenship, and you have to include many different ethnicities.

This is not to mention that maintaining a military capable of enforcing global order requires a ton of money that would often prevent socialized medicine.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Maybe it's because there are no reasonable solutions since humans aren't reliable as citizens and voters so elites get to decide whatever happens by default. We're a race of perpetual peasants and slaves and the idea of giving us the right to vote sounds nice but only leads to hoping the elites who appease our sensibilities the best will act like a real Augustus Caesar and not a Nero or *insert lame emperor*.

So we just go with the status quo cause as a 1st world nation the status quo is more comforting than BIG SCARY CHAOS even though if we're willing to settle for that then we might as well do away with democracy in general and just let the elites rule us even more directly without this farce of "will of the people".

But hey you be an adult who accepts the world as it is while still clinging to the fantasy of democracy.
And Frownland says I'm the monster.

American's have also been given the ability to read, and exactly how many of them hold a library card? Tell me what you propose, Batlord. Since by the snark in your tone I'm going to guess you think you're smarter than I am. Tell me what I don't get.
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