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Old 07-05-2020, 08:30 AM   #6466 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Let's say Kanye manages to get on the ballot.

Of the candidates running for the two major political parties, which one would Kanye act as a spoiler for?

Originally Posted by jwb View Post
I didn't say Antifa and I didn't say it was a violent takeover. The cops could've run them out at any time. 3 or 4 shootings later and the mayor decided to do so.

Basically it was an abject failure, though it's not surprising some people refuse to see it as such.
Was it really an abject failure though? What was the goal of those who set up the autonomous zone? Was it to permanently establish a zone that was self-governing without any kind of federal or state oversight? Or was the goal to amplify their message through media coverage?

Even then, regardless of their goal, the events that took place, I think, contain lessons for both the left and the right, if we're willing to look at the events without any kind of bias. For the left, one lesson that could be taken is that, without police, those who have the guns will likely fill the vacuum of power. For the right, one lesson that could be taken is that, rather than outright crushing opposition and protest like this with the use of state force, it may be more beneficial to let some things fizzle out on their own.

Was it the '3 or 4 shootings' that prompted Mayor Durkan to end the CHOP, or was it the fact that protestors ended up outside her house?

Last edited by SGR; 07-05-2020 at 08:40 AM.
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