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Old 07-14-2020, 08:23 PM   #147 (permalink)
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Old School Runescape

Yeah, we're talking about this game again. Why? Because it's the only goddamn game I play. I literally have tons of great games on both Steam and PS4 combined. But NOPE, Old School Runescape it is. Literally the same game I've been playing for the past 15 years. I just...the grind. Like, I am literally spinning flax into bowstrings while I write this. Why? I can't really explain.

See, here's the thing. I know Runescape and Old School Runescape respectively aren't exactly the GREATEST games. But, Old School Runescape specifically brings back the game that I grew up playing. And honestly, getting hit with nostalgia every time I play is pretty nice. Makes the game even more enjoyable. And yeah, like I said. I like a good grind. And this game is nothing but just one long grind. And it is really fulfilling in its own nerdy way.

I've also been setting personal goals for myself. The likes of getting full dragon armor. The armor that all the rich kids had back in the day. I finally achieved it. And I absolutely am in love with it. Here it is right here:

Spoiler for picture:

On top of all of this, I've been working hard on all my skills. This is something that I did way later on my main Runescape account. That one is the high level account with all the high level armor. I don't play it much anymore because Runescape 3 sucks. It's the current live version of the game. Anyway, here they are right now. I'm currently working on crafting:

Spoiler for picture:

And with that, back to the grind I go. Hope you're all having fun playing whatever it is you're playing.
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