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Old 07-26-2020, 05:53 AM   #9317 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dirty Souf Biatch
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1. When's the last time you laughed really hard?

It was before the virus hit hard. It was out there and we talked about it everyday but I guess we thought it would end up basically contained like MERS and SARS. I was already being extra careful with the cases of imported fish but being wary of pathogens was already a part of working with that much fish. But anyway, I had a great work station, I could really spread out and set up my blue tooth and listen to anything. I was getting pretty skilled with my knife and the recipes so I was just pretty much left to it. Sometimes a couple guys who did catering would be in my area but I got along with them great. One was this openly gay guy who had a masters in engineering and retired from working for Toyota to open a catering business and he was super smart and a phenomenal cook and organizer of complex situations. And the other dude grew up up north in an Amish community and he was one of those types with no college but read all the time and we had a lot of conversations about Hemingway and Steinbeck and Thoreau and we were all getting Sanders fever. It was before the South Carolina primary and Sanders was giving us all a lot of hope. The gay guy would often cook us all these fabulous lunches and he was the best cook. One day we were chillaxing, riding the clock a bit (well he wasn’t hourly but me and the ex Amish dude were). The ex Amish dude played this clip on his phone

and we all just exploded with contagious laughter. It was a precious little bit of happiness. You know, good music, good food, good people- those big laughs are always more than the joke at hand. It’s the overall mood at hand. Man, seems a million years ago.

(Maybe that was after South Carolina- but there was still hope)

2. What's something that's coming up in your future? Plans, projects you're working on, albums you're looking forward to, etc.


3. Do you eat the pizza crust or are you a toddler?

**** yes. Pizza is expensive af. Just crust from a good pie would be a treat right now.

4. If you didn't have to worry about necessities, what kind of environment (landscape, region, social, etc) would you like to live in?

Nepal. Dude, the place has to be seen to be believed. I was looking back at my pictures from when I was there. I remember looking up and down off a Himalayan mountainside... I felt so incredibly fortunate to be there. Even though I’m so upset with the present I’m super grateful for memories like that and that have so many. Sorry to brag about it but before I broke apart mentally I did some amazing ****.

5. In a world with no pandemics, which MB member would you go to a concert with and which show would you want to see?

Matana Roberts with you.

6. You have to go back in time and kill any infant except for baby Hitler. Which baby do you shake?

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