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Old 07-29-2020, 07:32 AM   #149 (permalink)
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Ghost of Tsushima

This is one of those instances where I knew close to nothing about this game until its release. I didn't really follow the marketing or anything. And I wasn't really all that excited about it. Despite all that however, Ghost of Tsushima may very well be one of my favorite games of the year. Has a good chance of being my Game of the Year as well, but we've still got the rest of the year.

Ghost of Tsushima mixes together everything I love about games, and puts it all into one beautiful package. You've got For Honor style combat, Shadow of War style world progression, in regards to having things on the map to go to. A lot of games have done thing but I always credit Shadow of War as that's one of the few games I've fully completed. Not to mention the game not only runs beautifully (with literally close to 0 load times), but it looks absolutely beautiful as well. And I'm not even playing on a 4K TV (which Microsoft believes you need to have a 4K TV to enjoy the next gen games, which I fully disagree with.) And the story and overall feel of the game are done very well. Everything feels fluid and you never really feel like the character isn't responding well to your button inputs. Very few times I've had instances where I made a bad move, but it's usually my own fault for fumbling around with the controller sometimes. I lose grip of it at certain times.

On a side note, can we all just agree at this point that the PS4 has been one of the best consoles ever made for gaming? Not even talking about the exclusives that have already come out, but then you add this to the mix and it just makes the PS4 look even more enticing. I am also heavily looking forward to the PS5 and what that is going to offer. Microsoft really has to up their game from now to release if they want people to be sold on their console. Which the general consensus seems to be that not a lot of people are really excited about it. Well...Halo Infinite specifically. Anyway, that's another story for another time.

If you haven't picked up Ghost of Tsushima. Do it. You won't regret it. It's one of the most interesting and fun games I've played in a while, in this particular style.
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