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Old 08-06-2020, 06:22 PM   #150 (permalink)
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Pokemon Sword / Shield
(Currently playing through Sword)

I recently got a Nintendo Switch, and one of the first games I wanted to play was the most recent Pokemon games, Sword and Shield. I haven't played a Pokemon game since Pokemon X so I know I have missed quite a bit in terms of the series progression. I have not beaten Pokemon Sword yet, but I want to point out a few pros and cons that I have come to find during my playthrough. I'm currently right before the next Gym battle, and I recently beat the Rock type Gym.

Let's get the cons out of the way, because despite there not being many faults, there's still a few that have made a bit of a difference in terms of playing the games:

  • Gym battles: not enough things to do between each gym. feels like you go through them pretty quick
  • EXP ALL: I really don't like that fact that all your Pokemon get XP at the same time, even if they don't battle. I get it for balancing reasons, but it takes the entire point of the grind out of the picture. Good for some, not for me.
  • Difficulty has certainly gotten a lot easier as the series progresses. A little bit more difficult than Pokemon X, but that's probably due to these games not giving you strong Pokemon right off the bat. The fact that you got a Lucario in the beginning of Pokemon X was just a dumb move and it made the game feel way way way too easy. Again, Pokemon Sword fixes this a little bit, but it's still really easy. I miss the difficulty.
  • I find the fact that it tells you in battle that a move is super effective against an opponent or not. I've played these games for years, so evidently this game is more focused on catering to the younger crowd. That's fine. Again, just not for me.

  • While I think some of the designs are god awful, I think this game brings a lot more creative designs than Pokemon X and Y did. I know NIntendo still has a lot to give in terms of Pokemon, so I'm curious to see what kind of designs they come up with next. I really like the ones in this particular game tho.
  • Soundtrack is fantastic. Especially the music that plays during the wild area and in routes. Reminds me of Fallout
  • The wild area is nice, though I wish they could've just made the whole game like that. It's really neat to be running around in an open field with catching Pokemon, but the game STILL manages to feel a bit too linear. Again, really solid idea. Weird way to go about it. But I like it nonetheless.
  • Battling is more fun than it ever has been, despite the game being painfully easy. The gym battles are really cool and it makes Pokemon feel more like a professional sport. Nobody really gives a **** about story anyway so I'm glad more of their focus went on the battle side. Plus so far, the story kind of sucks.

While there may be more to each of those lists, that's just what I could think of right off the bat. There may be a part 2 to this post as I make my way through the game, but those are my thoughts on the matter currently.
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