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Old 09-08-2020, 07:55 PM   #665 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong here - but many of Christianity's more toxic beliefs were expunged in the Reformation, right (led my Martin Luther)? I don't think that Islam has had a similar kind of reformation -- or has it?
This is actually a common misconception. The reformation was specifically a rebellion against the Catholic Church and their unique supremacy over Christian doctrine and practice. This was in response to many practices of the Church that reformers thought went against their religious sensibilities. This includes things like selling the (supposed) bones of saints and selling things like getting your unbaptized child out of purgatory and into heaven, among many other grievances.

The end result was through a bloody schism, Protestants eventually left the umbrella of the church. That doesn't mean they were less religiously extreme or backwards. Take the Calvinists for a prime example. What it did mean is that there was the potential for religious conflict even among different sects of Christianity in Christian societies which eventually lead to the idea of separation of church and state and state secularism.

Which coincided with a lot of enlightenment era criticism of religion in general. So there was a simultaneous push for removing state power from religion as well as a general secular criticism of religion which lead to modern day Christianity becoming eventually as watered down as it is today... Which is to say much more so than Islam in the middle east but not nearly what it should or could be, especially in the US. And that's after centuries of said development.

So what Islam would need is not just a reformation, which is just essentially a religious schism. Arguably that's not even applicable in Islam since there is no centralized equivalent to the Church, and since there has already been one very significant schism between Sunni and Shia Islam. What they need is the sort of secular creep that Christianity had as a result of the enlightenment over the past few centuries.
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