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Old 04-17-2006, 02:33 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hobojesus
Nirvana, for me, are the pinnacle of what a band should be. Simplistic yet fantastic lyrics, bitter and twisted yet melodic songs, a vulnerable yet warming and interesting frontman. A group of oddballs that by pure talent made it to the big time, and managed to stay there through thick and thin. People talk of a rock and roll lifestyle and these guys (especially Kobain) certainly did live one. I never really listened to them before and all the greasy kids with the smiley-faced-tongue-sticking-out t shirts really put me off them. I gave in and bought Nevermind, and haven't looked back since.
I would absolutely disagree that they gained populaity out of pure talent.
Really, the only talented musician in that band was Grohl, people praise Cobain's songwriting skills, and I really dont think he is that great of a songwriter. They made it big because the Mainstream was tired of overproduced, overplayed arena rock. They wanted something new. It wasn't talent that got them to the top, it was Cobains determination to get his music heard. People heard it, and liked it simply because it was refreshing. They definitly didn't make it big on pure talent.
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