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Old 10-06-2020, 10:40 AM   #26953 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Silent communique - October 6

All systems follow the laws of physics; even systems invented by humans. Closed systems tend towards entropy while open systems tend towards evolution. This applies to all systems whether they be political, cultural, financial or otherwise.

What we're currently experiencing, on many levels, is a closed system that's accelerating it's own entropy via arrogance, hubris and greed. The system we live under today is *not* sustainable as evidenced by the entropy caused by pollution and climate change. What we're witnessing is the decay of a closed system that doesn't work. The inmates have taken over the asylum.

Even before we cast our ballots next month we need to continue making changes within ourselves. We need to continue developing new organs of perception, our inner health, our souls if you will. When we develop these new organs things appear very differently.

We are less likely to believe the guano oozing from our media devices. A healthy being knows instinctively when things aren't right, when situations aren't inclusive of everyone, seeks to appeal to the lower parts of us, incites hate and division. That's a cesspool only the diseased can swim in.

But the good news is we now have a little bandwidth to work on our inner health. It doesn't take money, or fancy clothes or a membership to some club...all you need is inside of you.

So remember to meditate, keep at it every day and you will see changes in how you engage with the world. Start with 10 minutes a day, work up to 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour and after a few months you will mosdef feel more whole, have less anxiety and able to dance with whatever the universe throws your way.

It doesn't give you rose-colored glasses, it just makes the difficult parts of life much more manageable.

Anyway, just some coffee thoughts on a foggy coastal morning in Northern California.

Stay tuned, stay healthy, wear your face masks in public!

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