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Old 10-25-2020, 07:53 PM   #9634 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: He lives on Love Street
Posts: 4,444

1. Who do you resemble more, your mother or father?
Inside, where it counts, I resemble my two earliest mentors: my older brother and older sister.

2. Can you imitate anyone/anything? (mega bonus points for voice recording proof)
I used to do a fair imitation of my best friend's ex.

3. You're stuck on a desert island with all MB members and one person only is appointed the task of getting you all home safely. Who do you choose?
yep , Plankton too

4. Have you ever been kicked out of a bar/nightclub/restaurant etc. and if so, why?
It was pretty obvious that we were too young, but as it was a shabby disco in a seaside town, the bouncer let us in anyway. As we were at the bar, timidly asking for beers I suddenly fainted for no reason that I can recall. By the time I came round, me and my two pals were sitting outside with zero chance of re-admission.

5. Do you own a skateboard? (and do you use it)
You can probably guess.

6. If everyone could have wings like those of any existing animal, what kind of wings would you choose?
A hummingbird's wings would give you the manoeuvrability you want when you're trying squeeze into that last empty seat on the bus.
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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