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Old 11-02-2020, 01:47 PM   #883 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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I voted for Biden weeks ago. I haven't kept up with the last ten or so pages of this thread so sorry if this is a talked about opinion already but here's a brief run down of what I think happens tomorrow.

Biden wins Texas, Michigan, Arizona, Florida.

Trump narrowly wins PA, WI, and NC.

Biden pulls out the win but it isn't by a wide enough margin to prevent the epic sh*tstorm of drama that will follow with the GOP crying fraud and that the election was stolen. It'll be entertained far too deep within the courts and at that point who the f*ck knows.

I think Biden could end up winning NC and WI but I think PA is too far right to swing left. Biden killed it with the fossil fuel talk.

I just don't see Trump winning again with all that has happened. 2016 was a close-ish election with a total bitch running against him and a lot of people had high hope for the bozo. We've had four years of lunacy and I don't think ANY president could survive how 2020 went. It's hard enough for incumbents to win, but this year was bad.

Hopefully we'll have Trump losing tomorrow but this country is f*cking awful so who knows. I will NOT be surprised if Trump wins. Just saddened to my core.

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