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Old 04-18-2006, 04:57 PM   #13 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 1,671

Originally Posted by draxus
No, a fill is when a drummre makes a beat or rythem that sounds similer to the guitar part but has a lot of different beats in it. Like you cant even hear the drums b/c they sound too much like the guitar, see, its that simple

ummm in some cases thats right i suppose, but thats not necessarily true, infact hate to break it to ya but in most cases thats not true, a drummer doesn't create a fill to mimic the guitars, a fill is generally played in an intersection between two sections of a song e.g verse/bridge, usually on the last bar the drummer will stray off the steady beat they've been playing and usually with the use of the toms, the snare or sometimes the double bass, rim shots and various other features, hell even the cow bell, will play along the lines of something out of the ordinary, lets say for instance a drum roll on the snare, that would be a fill.

when a drummer mimics the guitar part i suppose if one is directly after the other it can be classed as a fill, and you'd probably call it 'call and response'.

i think im doing ok so far, but someone stop me if i start screwing up, this thread makes it really easy for you to make an ass of yourself if you haven't brushed up enough on your theory...
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