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Old 11-22-2020, 06:53 PM   #279 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I believe what you're describing are the resulting symptoms of living in a society that doesn't take care of it's people. There is a definitive link between uneducated women (higher ed) and having 2-5 children starting at a young age, and educated women (BA or beyond) having 0-2 children, later in life, and with greater financial security.

Imagine if we offered comprehensive sex education! Imagine if birth control was not taboo and that girls were not taught to be so disconnected from their bodies. Imagine if we encouraged boys to continue playing with dolls and dressing up and exploring gender roles? It's not a coincidence that little boys who are allowed to play with dolls grow up to be attentive fathers.

Destroy the military industrial complex, destroy the for-profit prison systems, kill the war on drugs and repeal or amend the 13th amendment, and imagine the numbers of black and brown fathers that would have been and wanted to be attentive fathers.

Drunks and junkies? We already know we need further reaching and more comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment options and facilities.

I also think that split and happy households are infinitely better environments for children to grow up in than one where you have two prisoners trapped together pretending that everything's fine.
imo... Sex ed only goes so far

It's boojie hubris to think poor people don't know about condoms. We just live reckless. We smoke cigs, drink in excess, do drugs, play the lotto and pump out kids like nobodies business.

Not saying the system is good but the idea that we just lack information is also pie in the sky nonsense.

The war on drugs is wrong, sure. Guess what? You could end it tomorrow and we'd still have the number 1 spot in terms of mass incarceration. Something like 50% of federal prisoners are in there for drug charges. At the state level, it's closer to 8-10%.

Problem being that federal drug charges are almost exclusively on large organized crime related charges. Many times soldiers from drug gangs get busted on drug charges cause they can't tie them directly to any bodies. Even though they are soldiers, and as such their entire job consists of murder. They're good at covering their tracks

And as for state penn prisoners.. those drug charges are usually at the dealer level too. And 90+ percent of the people in prison are in State prisons. So the number of actual non violent drug offenders is miniscule at best.
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