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Old 12-13-2020, 07:13 PM   #94 (permalink)
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You can keep posturing but you're not fooling me for a second.

Physically stored on your computer where? where is the software? Is it the **** on your heard drive? Is it the **** in your memory? The bits flowing through your cpu? Is it the images on your screen that you click and drag? Or functionally speaking is it all of the above? It's an entity in and of itself that operates on the platform your computer provides. It's not your computer though.

Similarly, your brain is a computer. It's a machine that uses neurochemical signals to process information. That information is not the neurochemical signals in your brain, though. It's merely represented by it. And those neurochemical signals themselves that form your mind aren't your brain itself. They're a product of your brain.
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