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Old 12-15-2020, 09:39 PM   #1733 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
That's a lot of pessimism, Batlord, and a lot of certainty. I'm not sure that politics is as predetermined as you suggest.

For instance, things like incompetence/abandonment of the working class can change. Perhaps they have been true in the past; but perhaps the Dems will also notice that and take measures to correct both failings. Perhaps the working class will realise that they are not best served by the Kushners/Trumps, McConnells, etc, and shift their allegiance back to the Dems.
As for American democracy, it's just taken an unpredecented pummelling, during Trump's time in office and post-election too. After something has been demonstrated to be vulnerable, that's typically the time when people decide to repair and strengthen it; perhaps American democracy will be patched up better than before.

Not saying all those things are going to happen, just saying that I don't share your conviction that they won't.
I'm sorry but that's dumb ****ing **** garbage optimism for the sake of optimism and I think anyone who believes it should be punched in the face.

For instance, things like incompetence/abandonment of the working class can change. Perhaps they have been true in the past; but perhaps the Dems will also notice that and take measures to correct both failings. Perhaps the working class will realise that they are not best served by the Kushners/Trumps, McConnells, etc, and shift their allegiance back to the Dems.
This implies that the American betrayal of the working class is recent and caused by the Republicans. Both parties have abandoned the working class going back half a century at least and have entrenched ideologies going back decades based on keeping the working class in a perpetual state of crisis so that they are always both convinced that their particular party are the only thing keeping them from financial ruin but also convinced that they have no power and might as well not even vote. Donald Trump is honestly the first time any amount have felt any kind of hope for representation since maybe before I was born, which is kind of the point of all this since we're so desperate for a voice that so many turned to an obvious grifter and latched on to him like an abusive husband.

Shifting their allegiance back to the Dems with a candidate like Biden is simply going back to old hopelessness, leaving the population just as vulnerable to another populist grifter as we were before Trump.

As for American democracy, it's just taken an unpredecented pummelling, during Trump's time in office and post-election too. After something has been demonstrated to be vulnerable, that's typically the time when people decide to repair and strengthen it; perhaps American democracy will be patched up better than before.
Is it? Maybe if American democracy was in any way flexible and capable of enacting reforms that could be agreed upon I could buy this but our legislature is too paralyzed from partisanship to agree on anything besides rubber stamping defense bills. Our legislature is a corpse. This is why Supreme Court picks are crises now. The biggest issues our legislature acknowledge are all Court issues that our representatives concentrate on so that they don't have to deal with actual legislature but simply pass that responsibility onto the Courts so that Congress people only have to campaign on making sure that the other side doesn't get to choose judges. This is not how a democracy should function. This will end up being taught in schools outside of America as one of the signs of impending governmental collapse before some horrific consequence associated with the next Hitler.

Not saying all those things are going to happen, just saying that I don't share your conviction that they won't.
And I think you are tragically naive.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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