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Old 12-19-2020, 04:35 AM   #10 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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I really agree with jwb 100% on Hillary.

I think I personally had a visceral reaction to her at a very specific point that touched on the core reason she was and is so despised. You can say no it’s misogyny, misanthropy, or just a hatred for the rich and powerful status quo on my part or sexism and conservative bias on society’s part but I’m quite positive my reaction to her at that time was very widespread and not related to politics at all. It was a big moment but I can’t remember exactly what but something like accepting her nomination at the DNC. You could tell that even she was shocked by how intense the enthusiasm in the room was. These were people that really wanted her to become president. People who felt like her success was their success and a profound universal win for womankind in general. Whether her supporters had valid reasons or not wasn’t what repulsed me so deeply though.

It was her ****ing face. This maniacal hackling grin that clearly betrayed a lust for approval and especially power that looked positively vampiric. She had no ability to feign humility whatsoever. No politician, talk show host, rock star, pro-athlete, kid who just won a national spelling bee... no human being I ever saw came off worse... to me. I’m sure others, deep inside, were more power hungry but no one had ever once appeared more so to me, ever.

There was no way after that that I would ever vote for her. Not against Trump. Not against Hitler. Even if her entire platform had been based on bringing herself and Chelsea down to Florida to suck my dick and give me money I still ... well ... in that case she would’ve had my vote.

But along with other points that jwb has made she was simply intensely unlikeable. Not everybody had that reaction to her and those that didn’t will probably find it inexplicable except by turning it on me but I’m telling you it was some version of that that was widespread enough to cost her the election. My non-policy based reason for HATING her wasn’t unique. Millions of people felt enough of it, just had a negative gut reaction to her that made it impossible to vote for her. Period. No ****ing way.

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