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Old 01-07-2021, 09:50 AM   #531 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Identity Matrix View Post

Artist: Neurosis

Country of Origin: United States

Album Title: Fires Within Fires

Genre: Post Metal (Sludge/Doom)

Year of Release: 2016

Track Listing:

Bending Light: 8/10
A Shadow Memory: 9/10
Fire is the End Lesson: 8/10
Broken Ground: 8/10
Reach: 9/10

Final Score: 8.4/10

Great atmosphere, dig the vocals, some slick guitar work

Some segments lack energy and sort of lag in terms of quality

Spotify Link:
I actually think the vocals are weakest link on this record. It’s like he’s trying to hard to be understood instead of directly complimenting the instrumentation.

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