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Thread: Your Day
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Old 02-15-2021, 07:06 PM   #74065 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Thanks everyone. I felt there was something amiss when Ciaran didn't say "Eddie's doing fine", which is what most of the other conversations started with, but it was still a shock to hear how bad he is. I talked it over with Karen but as I said to her, it wasn't really making a decision, more coming to terms with the inevitability of it. She's very upset of course (as am I, but have to show strength in front of her) but we both agree we couldn't keep him in pain and stretching out his life; it would be cruel, selfish and ultimately pointless, as we'd just be delaying the end.

I guess there'll be a party in Cat Heaven tomorrow when he's reunited with Ritchie and Millie. Viva Las Tres Amigos! Or something.

He had a good life, was loved, pampered, occasionally chased after and called a **** but always had our affection, protection and devotion. I guess in the end that's all you can hope for.

Not looking forward to the call tomorrow, nor getting rid of his things, especially the food and litter I got on Friday in the hope he'd be home.

And special note to ribbons: I don't wish it was happening to you. You've enough to deal with as it is.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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