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Old 02-19-2021, 10:19 PM   #74123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Being nicer isn't really relevant. I'm well aware of the higher quality movement in fast food like Five Guys and Panera Bread and ****. It affects ****tier chains too. That's why McDonald's and Wendy's put higher price **** on their menus and why we're we're all upgrading our store designs to be nicer. But the assembly line food production dictated by a soulless beaurocracy that doesn't care about quality or human life except how they affect the bottom line is exactly the same. Even if your sister's restaurant's food is better than mine it's still the same obliteration of human culture. Burger King or Five Guys or Ruby Tuesday's it's all the ****ing same.

Yeah lack of imagination. A requirement for a happy cog.

Oh do they pay a coyple bucks extra?

I'm not calling you selfish. I'm calling you blind. If you don't instinctually see that fast food is a blight on human culture then you're a nitwit. Even as a rightwinger I saw all of this, I just didn't assimilate this insight into a worldview.
Everything you're saying applies to just about any corporate low end job. Fast food is just personal to you cause you hate your job and you wanna blame someone other than yourself for the fact you have to clock in there every day. I'm not blind to the fact that corporations are exploitative. I just don't care enough to let that stop me from making money and so I can't expect anyone else to either. You take an opportunity where it arises. If Walmart will pay me more than mom& pop, what possible reason do I have to work for mom and pop anyway? To make someone else more money? What do I get out of it?

Its like eating meat is immoral. But I still do it. Can't be ****ing bothered tbh. And you can grandstand all you want but it's just a moral consolation prize for your lack of ambition and work ethic. You choose to work at Burger King. You talk all this **** about how a small business restaurant is a better place to work but anything I suggest you try getting a different job you shrug your shoulders and say it wouldn't matter where I work I just hate work period. So how is it you want to have it both ways?
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