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Old 04-22-2006, 07:06 PM   #30 (permalink)
Mama Booze
Here's lookin at you, kid
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The White Hotel
Posts: 366

how about:

why the fuck is this an issue? If anyone can translate her typing enough to correct it, then they can OBVIOUSLY understand it easily, so it's not a problem. If it hurts your eyes, [which I highly doubt since "this hurts my eyes" is just a phrase used highly on MB to just pick on someone for no reason, but probably because they are just plain bored out of their fucking mind, I mean why else..?]

Also, why join a forum, if not for attention? Everyone wants a reply. Or else what's the point of anything on a forum if there is no contribution? If someone will bite, then why the fuck not?

Third, what's the fuss about? You're bored? So randomly bitch at people? Okay that's nice. Anger mangament, anyone? Jesus Christ, go get a fucking downer or something, man! Everyone's so fucking tense around here! It's highly annoying.

Of course, I have to make this about me because I'm just that wonderful, to people who think my comments are useless, and un-funny, you just don't get my sense of humour. Move on. There's life 5 minuets from now. I hardly think you're going to die from hearing something so "un funny".

And something actually on topicish, Sabrina, they hate you because they have nothing better to do than to rip on people.

And to anyone who thinks I'm bitching way to much and completely wrong about everything...Well you've broke me. I think I might leave. You're all useless and I'm sick of it. Well..with the exception of a few wonderful people I've managed to meet here [you hate them all too, so we should really just form a little posse` and bring this forum into hell. Cuz thats certianly where it's headed anyway.]. Cheers. Fuck ya'll.

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