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Old 04-24-2021, 10:55 AM   #10235 (permalink)
Slavic gay sauce
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Abu Dhabi
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1. What's the craziest/most dangerous thing you've ever done?

Urmm, not sure how close I actually came and don't care to find out but I'm pretty sure I was close to serious trouble several times with sleeping pills. Have learned to control them seriously since then.

2. What crazy thing would you never contemplate doing?

Bungee jumping, skydiving, anything to do with heights.

3. What's the longest you ever went without sleep, why and how did you feel after it? No that's not three questions, it's one question with three parts.

About 36h. Nothing too outrageous.

4. What is the hottest thing you have ever eaten?

Probably some type of salad in a posh restaurant in Bangkok. I stopped eating it as I couldn't feel a thing anymore, kind of loses the point of eating if your mouth is numb.

5. How far would you/do you go to be the life of the party?

Once on acid I spun a multicoloured lighted stick for what I guess was like an hour or so. Not only because it was brining pleasure to my tripping friends but because I was also quite captivated by it. It's a very fond memory for all involved. That's about it.

6. Ever had a run-in with Larry Law? If so, how bad was it?

Latest run in was with Malaysian immigration, which I described elsewhere. Most serious before that I guess was when I was smoking pot in my village with some friends and the police "jumped" us on the pier. We managed to toss the pot in the sea, but they did proceed to search us, particularly me since I looked the most dodgy at the time I guess (long hair, grungy look). Nothing came out of it.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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