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Old 04-27-2021, 06:31 AM   #23740 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Lately I watched a few movies that have been on my to-do list for a while and that I should've gotten to years ago.

In the Name of the Father (1993) - awesome prison drama based on real events. I won't give away the whole story, but it takes place in Ireland and England and has to do with IRA bombings / terrorism and some consequences from that. The lead is played by Daniel Day Lewis and while the love people have for him has been a little mysterious to me in the past, I get it now. He's great in this. Easy recommendation!

The Color Purple (1985) - Another great drama movie taking place in the earlier half of the previous century about a demure black girl/woman married off to a slob on a farm. It's a Stephen Spielberg movie which features some great performances by actors like Whoopi Goldberg (in the lead), Oprah Winfrey and Danny Glover. I heard about this like forever, but it took me this long to watch it and it's a great film. I'm a little surprised it's not more known. Another easy recommendation!

Clue (1985) - On paper, this looks better than it is. It's a John Landis produced crime-comedy roughly based on the Cluedo board game with Tim Curry in its most prominent role. It's got a thunderstorm with a creepy mansion and at least one broken down car and the need to use a phone. It's got a party with several mysterious character using pseudonyms and a murder mystery. It's kinda campy. However, I do feel it would've worked better had it either taken itself more seriously and dropped some of the meta humour in particular OR if it had aimed for more straight up comedy. As it is, it falls somewhere in between. Unfortunately, it's comedic enough for you to not care much what happens to the characters, but not funny enough to make up for that. Still, it's the kind of movie that I would expect a small minority to love so I assume it may have some cult status.
Something Completely Different
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