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Old 04-28-2021, 10:21 AM   #377 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
every nation has relied on "socialism" (a command economy) to get to the point where they can exploit other nations in what we call a "Free Market"

there isn't an element of the US economy that didn't use extraordinary protectionist measures and government initiative to thrive

it simply does not happen that "freedom" magically generates's just a justification for inequality
You understand there's a massive difference between collectivized agriculture and protectionism? There are only a handful of communist countries that have actually resorted to collectivization to rapidly industrialize and those are the examples we're discussing. That didn't happen in the US or western europe and it hasn't happened in many of the developing countries around the world. In the major examples where it has happened under soviet style models of command economies, the death toll for these policies has been staggering.

Protectionism is not a command economy. Restrictions on markets is not a command economy. You're conflating terms here and also probably overstating the efficacy of things like protectionism. There are pros and cons to that kind of policy like anything else and too much protectionism can stifle economic growth the same way that unmitigated free trade can lead to things like outsourcing and other externalities.
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