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Old 04-28-2021, 11:05 AM   #10 (permalink)
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One person's opinion here, but the issue isn't "being influenced by", it's "stealing for personal gain."

Justin Beiber - especially with Peaches - sounds like he just stole your stuff and is selling it across from your house. He's in no movement associated with any sound like that. He seems to show up and do whatever the Spotify data tells him is most profitable. Elvis always gets hit with the "White guy stealing black music" and I think that's about right. Conversely, as much as I don't like the Beatles I do feel like they enjoyed the music and added their own thing to it.

It's more complicated with things like food, IMO, because there's a lot less personal profit associated with that, but I'm not a scholar on this issue. I just pay attention and read things now and again.

Edit: I forgot to mention, there's no one worse about this than Justin Timberlake. At least Bieber just rips other people off. Timberlake finds a way to add nothing and still water it down somehow.
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