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Old 08-29-2021, 03:14 PM   #145 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
No, you're ignoring the actual reality of Afghanistan to lazily spout vague nonsense about how it could have been done better, dawg. It wasn't a functioning state. It was being held together with American cash and drone strikes.
I'm actually questioning whether it could've been done better, you're the one asserting that it's all or nothing and that the aftermath we see right now was 100% inevitable as long as we decided to leave the country at all. You have yet to substantiate that with anything beyond vague gestures to how ****ed the 20 year quagmire has been. But yeah, I'm the one being lazy by wondering whether maybe the **** I'm watching unfold couldn't have been handled better. Got it.

You remind me of how smug I was as an enlightened centrist right after I stopped being a right winger. Don't worry I'm sure your journey isn't over.
yes clearly my statement was very smug where as yours was as humble as Christ . Keep giving me free psychoanalysis though i don't mind. Though of course you get what you pay for.

Yes it's better that we perpetually destabilize the region and oversee a civil war killing thousands every year so long as hate for us drives recruitment. If you care so much I'll pay for a one way ticket to Afghanistan so you can go fight the Taliban.
alright. Buy the ticket pal. Sure it's going to take you a couple months to save up lol might be over by then bud
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