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Old 09-15-2021, 05:54 PM   #157 (permalink)
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Hades: Full Review

one more more more run...

As much as I would like to, most games I play tend to not receive a perfect score when it comes to my overall feel and taste of the game. Most games either sit between an 8.5 to 9.5 out of 10, more so because there's usually one, two, or a couple things that make the game a non perfect score. However, when it comes to Hades, it checks off all the boxes that would require me to give a game a 10 out of 10 score. Now, what makes this game not only worthy of a perfect score, but good enough to want me to recommend it to pretty much anybody, whether you're a fan of roguelike dungeon crawlers or not. It does so many good things to the game itself and the genre as a whole that it also manages to stick out as its own piece of art in the gaming world.

Now, what makes this game so great? Is it the theme? Is it the characters? Is it the gameplay? Yes, all of it. You start the game with virtually no information regarding to the story and what is in store for you when you take your first run. You're given a few tutorials but really, the discovery is all you. In the nature of roguelike dungeon crawlers, the first floor and levels are not the hardest, but they will give you a challene. Enough of a challenge to learn the mechanics, without mastering them. Gives you a taste of the combat and everything else within. What it doesn't tell you right away though, is that you're going to die...a lot. At least when you start.

I started playing the console version when it released a few weeks ago, and I can say for certain that my first 5 or so runs were lost within the first 2 or 3 levels, but one I learned the boss mechanics for each floor, the earlier stages became a breeze. So much so that the first boss is basically a way to test out if my build for that run is good or not. Spoiler alert, most of the time, the run is not good enough, at least to what you perceive is a good run. However, the game manages to give you enough buffs and intersting items, that even on a bad run, you can learn a thing or two to bring into your next run i.e. how the boss mechanics work. The other neat thing, is that although you will die a lot, you never for a second think that its the fault of the game. Everything the game throws at you is either fair or challenging but do-able. And let me tell ya, there will be quite a few challenging moments throughout.

I've done about 50 attempts at completing the whole game, almost always falling short on the last boss. I've beaten the entire game once, but I've yet to do it again. The last boss is no joke and you have to not only be strategic, but have a good enough build that can inflict enough damage to make you feel at least a little worthy of fighting him. That goes for all bosses really but it's especially important when taking on the final boss.

Getting to the final boss is no joke either. Each floor comes with its own traps and ways to either take down the enemy, or take down yourself. Certain items will be good for certain bosses where there not good with other bosses and vice versa. I will say, as much as I think the final boss is really tough, the one that comes on the floor before is much harder, as you've got sort of an Ornstein and Smough type deal. (2 bosses at once) Hard as ****, but do-able.

The theme of the game takes inspiration from Greek mythology, so the powerups and "boons" you receive are those in relation to the gods of Olympus, i.e. Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, etc. You play as Zagreus, son of Hades, and your main goal throughout the whole game is to escape the underworld. However, the treck to do so is not so easy., but not easy.

The game itself is played in the perspective of top-down ala Diablo/Torchlight/Path of Exile, but plays in the style of a game like Dead Cells, in relation to the combat. However, although I love Dead Cells dearly, not even that game could get a perfect score from me. At least nowadays. Upon release, I would've definitely given Dead Cells a perfect score, but I cannot do that fully knowing that there is a game, Hades, that does the formula insurmountably better.

There's been a lot of hype surrounding this game as people are finding it for the first time whether it's through GamePass, PS5, or Steam. It's been getting close to if not receiving perfect scores from multiple outlets giving the game universal acclaim. Rightfully so. It's not everyday the gaming world is blessed with not only a solid release, but a solid game throughout its updates and subsequent console releases.

I can easily see this game being in my top 3 games to play for many months if not years to come, unless I finish everything first. But I like to take my time with these games. One reason being that my hands get really sore the longer I play games, so I have to cut myself short from time to time. That's ok though, because each time I jump in, a new experience is waiting.

If reading this doesn't give you the impression that I think this game is phenomenal, well...this game is phenomenal. I definitely recommend it for those not only interested in a solid rogue like, but are also looking for something that takes Greek mythology and does it well.

Also, it helps that all the character designs are beautifully made, making you feel even more connected to the characters you discover throughout your runs.

It's quickly becoming my favorite release in the past 2 or 3 years, and it's also going to be up there as far as game of the year goes for this year. Though, that goes for the console release as the game initially released on Steam months earlier. Again, just a good example of how good this game is. Comes out in early access and a year later sees a console release while also maintaining it's universal acclaim.

Now don't even get me started on the soundtrack. Even though I'm going to talk about it anyway. Just take...yknow, the likes of Doom/Doom Eternal, and take all the heavy hitting guitar riffs from those, and throw them into another soundtrack...and you have the Hades soundtrack. I didn't know how much I would love the soundtrack until it started playing heavier and amazing riffs at times of gameplay that mattered most. Like...the tracks will change into something more technical the crazier the fights are. Really nice touch. Nothing like listening to heavy metal while destroying enemies with various attacks and motions.

I will leave the review here as I feel I will spoil too much. I really don't want to spoil anything because the first run is the most important, and not knowing anything will make the experience richer and more interesting and it allows you to learn the way the game works on your own. Don't watch any videos of it until you've played it yourself. It's not worth spoiling it for yourself. Or anybody for that matter.

Play it.
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