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Old 09-23-2021, 01:36 PM   #198 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I believe PF are considered more boring in 2021 than in 1980, despite the open hostility towards prog at the time. Not necessarily to people like me who were weaned on them and will forever love them, but to potential new listeners. And people do dismiss without engaging with the music all the time.

As a person becoming interested in music, you'll probably hear the name Pink Floyd still. But what is there to tempt them to put a record on? There's something, of course, it's one of the biggest rock bands to ever exist and also one of the most successful. But from another perspective it might also obviously be old time boomer rock. I may be presumptuous, but I'm just guessing that, as old artists compete with new artists on streaming services, there's gonna be a trend of slowly dwindling popularity for bands like PF where people instead wanna listen to the latest Taylor Quick or some other artist who is current, trendy and more available in various forms of media. I think people like things they can relate to and the older something becomes, the less relatable it's gonna be off-hand. The band predates any real subculture that a new listener might derive some sense of identity from, so that kind of sub-cultural access to listeners is also going to dwindle over time. Some of the intricate potential reasons for dismissal, while complex, may be summed up as boring.

And you can also get into the shape of music. It's a long time since long ass prog songs were commercially viable. A lot of young people grew up with music that was louder, perhaps more aggressive, more extreme in the things they convey or focusing more on relatable experiences, most likely more immediate. Their tastes may be shaped by that and something like Echoes might seem comparatively more boring when compared to the output of more current artists.
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