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Old 05-21-2022, 09:46 AM   #11061 (permalink)
???pp? ??snW
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1. When you’re thirsty at home, what’s your first choice? Water? Juice? Soda? Tea? Coffee? Other?
9 times out of 10 it'll be water but tea is good when the weather is cold.

2. What’s your favourite episode of The Simpsons?
Most of it I haven't watched in many years so my answer isn't definite but "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" from S2 is a classic

3. What would/do you want inscribed on your tombstone?
No idea, and I don't think choosing one's own tombstone inscription is a thing that's really done in my culture.

4. If you could go forward or backwards in time, up to ten years, which would you choose?
It sort of depends if my own age would adjust with the time jump. If that's the case I might have to live through some pretty annoying **** over again if I decided to go back in time. Even so I would probably choose it over going forward, because skipping up to 10 years of my life sounds pretty sh*t

5. What is the coolest car you’ve ever driven, whether you owned it or not?
Never driven a car. Getting a license just haven't been the top of my priorities, I guess

6. What’s your view on a person’s right to die?
I think there should be some allowance for the possibility of euthanasia if the person in question is able to give informed consent to it, but only in extreme cases. I think it can be potentially quite bad if it gets too normalised. The legal technicalities of how it should ideally be regulated is something I'm 100% unqualified to comment on, though
lasty|rate-y music-y
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