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Old 05-31-2022, 05:20 AM   #12 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I suppose it's kind of like any argument between old tech and new tech. Some people may prefer rotary phones, or say that TVs were better before they came up with flatscreens. Some will say reading a book in your hand is far better than reading it off a kindle screen. Photographers will swear developing your own photos, setting F-stops, adjusting for exposure etc was far better than this point-and-shoot digital effort. I think vinyl though is the one thing where a larger part of those who used it originally (and had to) appreciate the new formats more, and few would go back to it. Vinyl is fine - it certainly looks well and it's far more impressive to collect, as Exo says, than a bunch of CDs - but it suffered from some serious design flaws compared to today's recording media, and nostalgia is all well and good, when you have the choice. But in terms of sounding better than CDs? No. I don't think so, although as I pointed out I'm not an audiophile. All I know is I was delighted to be able to play an album and not worry if I bumped the record player or moved too fast and the damn thing skipped or jumped.

There will always be those who want the past and look back to it saying things were better then. There will also be those who look back to that era as "retro" and want to collect the tech from it, either to try to imagine what it was like playing records back then, or for collector purposes. But one thing that makes collecting vinyl out of the question here, in Ireland anyway, is the price. I saw the new Iron Maiden album on sale on vinyl for fifty euro! How can that be justified when the CD costs half that?
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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