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Old 06-25-2022, 07:45 AM   #42 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Yeah I think that will be a breeze, to be honest.

Here are my predictions, such as I can make them, made without the slightest reference to Wiki or any research. We'll see how they turn out.

Van Morrison - Astral Weeks (Rubber Soul)
I see this as being an easy victory for me. I don't like Morrison at all but not to the extent that he sets my teeth on edge. There are quite a few of his songs I like, or can tolerate - "Brown-eyed Girl", "Bright Side of the Road", the beautiful "Have I Told You Lately" and so on. He plays a mixture, I believe, of folk, soft rock and traditional music, none of which gives me a problem, and I expect getting through this album and finding three nuggets will be a walk in the park. Unless that's Central Park. In which case, it will be a piece of cake. Unless that's carrot cake, which I hate. In which case ... you get the idea.

Koenjihyaekki - Viva Koenji! (Grindy)
Two things scare me about this. Grindy's music choices are known to be, shall we say, eclectic? No, let's say barking ****ing mad. He can probably tear me apart with this. The other thing is in general Asian music worries me, as I (obviously) can't read the language so have no idea what to expect, and don't know anything about the artist. I don't even know if this is man, woman or wooden idol come to life through the power of black magic. Of course, it could also be a band, but I think we all agree the more likely answer is that it's a wooden idol come to life through the power of black magic.

This could be ninety minutes or more of someone screaming at me in Japanese/Chinese/Korean/take your pick, while banging dustbin lids over their head and running the hoover. Oh no wait: that's Frownland's album, isn't it? Well, what I'm saying is this one leaves me with a sense of dread and trepidation, and I would imagine I'll lose on this one.

Aksak Maboul - Un Peu de l'Âme des Bandits (Guybrush)

It's kind of the same for this one. I don't know who this is, or are, or were, and I have no idea how I'll react to it. I'm going to pencil this in as a cautious loss for me, but we'll see.

The Germs - (GI) (Batty)

If one person knows how to push my buttons, knows what I can take and what I can't, it's Batty. It was, after all, him who tried to reduce me to a blubbering mess during Metal Month III when he took on the task in "The Torture Chamber". I vaguely recognise the name, and will assume this a very loud, fast, raucous punk band or something else which will be totally inaccessible to me - no-wave, vaporwave, grindcore, powerviolence or, worst of all, a boyband. Think I'm a cert to lose on this one too.

Mirt - Random Soundtrack (Norg)

Norg is Norg. What ya gonna do? I have no idea. His confessed ignorance as to my musical tastes may have caused him to choose one that he thinks I'll hate but I won't. Who knows? I'll take a chance and say I may surprise myself and get through this one. Maybe.

Pere Ubu - Modern Dance (GD)
I've heard of him/her/them but have no idea what sort of music we're talking about here. I think it may have something to do with jazz? Shut up and stop laughing; I told you this was being done without any research at all, so I can only guess. I'm going to again tentatively predict this may not be as bad as I think it might be, and I may win this one.

Wolves in Sheepskin - They Don't Know Though (Frownland)
The other one who knows how to get under my (sheep)skin is Frownland. I have heard one of WISK's albums before, and it was, well, let's just say I wasn't impressed. But I've (apparently) grown and matured since then, so I may surprise myself. BOO! See? Anyway, I will be bold and say I think I can take him on this one. Is that the sound of him pissing himself laughing? How rude!

Albert Ayler - Music Is The Healing Force Of The Universe (Ribbons)
With a title like that you would think it would be a nice easy relaxing listen, but I fear my girl has claws and is not afraid to use them when necessary, so this could be a dark horse. Bagpipes were mentioned. Bag. Pipes. I love uileann pipes, but their evil Scottish cousin, the bagpipes, put my teeth on edge, so I feel I may have to submit (ooer!) to her on this one. Another likely defeat.

On the current list then, my predictions - whether they turn out to be right or wrong - show this final result:

Trollheart 1 - Rubber Soul 0
Trollheart 0 - Grindy 1
Trollheart 0 - Guybrush 1
Trollheart 0 - Batty 1
Trollheart 1 - Norg 0
Trollheart 1 - GD 0
Trollheart 1 - Frownland 0
Trollheart 0 - Ribbons 1

Leaving us with a final, predicted score (including my first victory) of
Trollheart 5 - The World 4
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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