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Old 06-25-2022, 07:26 PM   #47 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
That wasn't intentional. I though it was Slikk, which sounds better - slikk the shocker vs silk the shocker? Anyway glad you enjoyed it. I think I'm slowly acclimatising to a small amount of hip-hop; I found portions of this quite hilarious. But yeah, the misogyny, real or not, was a little hard to take.

You are gracious and noble in defeat. Better luck next time.

And in the spirit of the album, may I just say
I figured you thought it was Slikk - seemed too subtle to be intentional - but it just made me laugh more.

Yeah man, hip hop is an incredibly rich genre. Don't take this album as being even close to representative of it. It's not a good album. It's from No Limit, who put out an album basically every week in the late '90s. Some of them were pretty great actually, but this was not one of them. They had a lot of trash.

Hip hop isn't always violent or misogynistic. With much of rap, there's an undercurrent of hostility and trying to get yours, and more often than not, it's due to how the artist grew up. Most of these people didn't grow up with a silver spoon. They had to fight and scrape and compete to get where they are. Rap's focus on lyricism provides the capability for incredible storytelling - it's not always steeped in violence and anger and it can be reflective too - here's just one example.

I know you're not exactly a spring chicken, but don't give up on the genre. There's gold there if youre willing to explore.
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