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Old 06-25-2022, 07:55 PM   #11243 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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1. If reading a physical book, how do you mark the place at which you stop reading?

I used to make bookmarks by scanning the book's cover, pasting the image into a bookmark and printing it and then sticking it onto a piece of card, but uh, don't do that any longer. it was cool though: you literally had the cover of the book as your bookmark. Should have marketed that. D'oh! I also used to buy bookmarks, but these days, if, which is very rare, I'm reading a physical book I use the old dog-ear.

2. What’s your favourite statue?

Got to be Brazil's Christ the Redeemer. So iconic.

3. When were you last on a bus?

Going on three years now. My world has shrunk to about a mile in distance.

4. Do you use a manual or electric toothbrush?

Manual. Never liked electric ones, though the doc recommended one for Karen. I used it until she became incapable of cleaning her own teeth, then she complained so much about the vibrations when I was trying to clean them that I gave it up and went back to a manual. You ever tried brushing someone else's teeth? Now we have a Berman, which is cool as it gets all the surfaces at once.

5. What is the scariest/most disturbing/oddest dream you had?

I don't really remember dreams (who sets these damn ques - oh. Right) but I do recall parts of one which was pretty disturbing. For some reason my dreams - the bits I remember anyway - always show me my home as it was about twenty years ago or more. So anyway I remember running with Karen (long before she was sick) down to where there used to be a car park. From a garden to the left an ICBM rose into the air, and I knew this was a signal we were about to die.

Then I woke up.

6. Looking out your window now, what can you see?

It's night now, so nothing. But in the day I can look out over my back garden, see the birds eating from the feeders and drinking the water I put out, see Karen's extension to the right, neighbour's garden to the left and other houses facing me. Also our shed (which is empty but once contained an entire city of mice, estimated at about 170) and the neighbour's tree, recently cut back.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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