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Old 07-11-2022, 05:16 PM   #38 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 113

Originally Posted by Ayn Marx View Post
Two things.
A: Many of the digital recordings you enjoy were taken off analogue masters from mint condition LP’s as the original tapes had degraded.

B: If you imagine my ‘extravagance’ in running a state of the art turntable is about the equipment it’s played on, you’re mistaken. It’s all about what resides on the thousands upon thousands of LP’s in my collection, most of them early pressings given to a reviewer who only played them once on a state on gear that didn’t damage them. The other side of all this is those who run budget turntables to play used, and often abused LP’s are the one’s who are deluding themselves about the wonders of analogue. But hey, if the snap, crackle and pop makes them happy who am I to object ?

C: I’m over having to justify my ‘extravagance' so will leave this topic alone from now on.
Woah, easy tiger…

In answer to your comments:

A) Yes, I’m well aware of that. I’m also aware that some remasters are inferior to the original master pressings due to either sound degradation of the masters or technical incompetence. However, I was raised listening to music on below par hi-fi equipment, so I’m not desperate to discover the nuances in dynamics of a studio or live performance on ultra-expensive music systems.

B) I never said that there aren’t any genuine music enthusiasts who use ultra-expensive music systems but, from my experiences, they seem to be a minority. And, yes, owning such equipment is an extravagance, whether or not you like to admit it. To own an extremely expensive turntable requires one to also own equally expensive amplifiers and speakers. And then there’s the maintenance involved – not just in the equipment but also in vinyl care products. As for the last part of your comment, have you ever considered that not everyone has the means or is knowledgeable about owning a quality vinyl collection and stereo system?

C) You were never asked to justify your ‘extravagance’. I just joined and hardly know anything about you. Whatever set-up you have doesn’t bother me – it’s always about one’s music tastes first and foremost. IMHO, the more eclectic and unconventional, the better.
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