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Old 07-16-2022, 06:14 AM   #11306 (permalink)
Remember the underscore
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Join Date: Feb 2014
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1. What other race/ethnicity would you like to have been born as, or are you happy as you are?

Well that's... not a weird question at all I'm happy as I am.

2. What’s the smallest thing that scares you?

SARS-CoV-2 is pretty small.

3. If a genie gave you one wish, but there was a catch - you could only wish for something for someone else, not yourself - what would you wish for, and for whom?

I'd wish for a pile of money for the gf.

4. Do you prefer a keyboard that is very tactile and makes sounds, or one that is soft and silent?

Give me something tactile every time.

5. Just for fun, if you could rearrange the countries of the world, which would you put alongside which to cause the most chaos/amusement?

I'd give the US and the UK a land border. Presumably there would be no destructive result, and the banter would be fun.

6. What would you consider humanity’s finest hour?

Eradicating smallpox was a pretty impressive example of international cooperation in the middle of the Cold War. Let's go with that.
Everybody's dying just to get the disease
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