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Old 08-23-2022, 11:14 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Of course it's whack-a-mole but if the moles are convincing people to shoot up pizza restaurants and gay bars then it's insane not to whack them. Should something more be done? Does Tucker Carlson make banning Alex Jones from social media ineffective? Is there an entire media ecosystem that is too big and entrenched to be cancellable?

Yes. Obviously.

That doesn't make it pointless to step on a cockroach when you see it. That just means it's pointless if it isn't just a start.

And just like Joel Osteen and Amway are bigger, more influential, and more insidious than Andrew Tate that doesn't mean you should let them all run rampant, that means they all deserve attention. The libs who are only now starting to notice the scope of the problem just need to catch up and stop living in the 90s.
OK sorry I'm not sure how to interpret this other than that you are saying "don't worry, this is only the beginning, we will hopefully silence many more people in the future and hopefully Joel Olsteen makes the list!"

You can call it lib **** or edgy teenage **** all you want, that's just not the world I want to live in. If pursuing your worldview means you have to baby people and paternalistically monitor what ideas they engage with then I simply don't care to pursue it.

Like there are so many countless religions and conspiracy theories that I believe are unhinged from reality and even potentially harmful but I do like the idea of pluralism not because I have faith the best ideas always win out but because it seems like people should be allowed to decide for themselves what to believe.

Jordan Peterson telling you to pull your pants up is a hopeless message. The problems of men in the modern age are bigger than individual responsibility can handle and that **** is a bandaid.

Why are so many men so socially isolated? Well part of the reason might be car culture turning cities into places that aren't safe for children to roam and where there's no place to roam in the first place so they just stay inside and play video games. The left might suggest urban planning to create walkable cities.

Why are so many men feeling emasculated? Well part of the reason might be the alienating nature of the modern workplace where you're a faceless cog in a machine fantasizing about earlier, manlier work where you feel more fulfilled and in control of your labor. The left might suggest labor organizing both to gain power in the workplace and the sense of fulfillment from connection with your fellow workers in a cooperative project.

Why are so many men feeling their traditional place in the world being threatened by changing gender dynamics? Well part of the reason might be that they viewed their place on top as a privilege that is being taken away. The left might suggest that this privilege was always harmful to all parties and that it would be liberating for men to shed the burden a rigid stereotype of what men are supposed to be.

And on and on and on cause men's issues are as complex and deeply entrenched as any other problem faced by society, and deciding that not sitting up straight and not working hard enough are the real problem is a coping mechanism to bring everything that can be so hard to conceptualize down to a simpler conceptual level that is easier to wrap your head around. Listening to Jordan Peterson might actually help you personally, but it isn't going to do anything to change the conditions that put men in the position they are in. The left isn't perfect by any means but they are actually trying to grapple with those conditions that Peterson and Tate ignore.
This goes back to individual vs systematic thinking. I'm not denying the use in advocating for xyz policy to address issues on a societal basis, but that is a long game. That's not the kind of thing you can really offer as any sort of solace or advice to an individual who is struggling here and now. To them, they have limited ways to meaningfully address their situation, and voting and waiting for political change is about at the bottom of the list in terms of immediate efficacy.

So no, you're just wrong. Bootstraps ideology is flawed when speaking about creating a systemic policy but when it comes to trying to improve your life at all you are only in control of what choices you make and those choices will honestly have more of a tangible effect than any potential means of political advocacy.
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