Music Banter - View Single Post - Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D
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Old 10-11-2022, 02:43 PM   #63 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 438

Axl's phone rang and it was Billy.

Billy asked ,"Why is Older Axl at the hospital with us and not you?"

Axl responded reluctantly,"I just wanted to get away by myself for a few days."

Billy said,"You just left us suddenly, didn't even say goodbye." He sounded sad.

Axl responded,"I just needed a much needed break and besides, Older Axl is with you, so technically, I'm still with you."

Billy responded,"Older Axl and us don't have the same relationship with each other as you and we do."

"Axl responded,"I was just feeling overwhelmed and stressed out."

Billy responded,"You still love us, don't you?"

Axl responded,"Are you talking about our personal relationship or my Cake Cream Brothersship in general?"

Billy responded,"I am talking about both."

Axl responded,"I still love both."

Billy responded,"Good. I love you in a relationship way and Cake Cream loves you in a Brotherish way too."

Axl smiled and he and Billy chatted for a bit.

Axl asked,"How is James?"

Billy answered, "He's a lot better. He is speaking with a lot of sense now. Speaking a lot more normal. Is a lot more aware about what's going on."

Axl felt a huge sense of relief wash over him.

"Thank God," Axl responded, relieved.

Billy was relieved too. Billy said,"The Doctors say he might be home in a couple of days.

Axl said,"That makes me happy!"

Billy responded,"I'm happy too."

Axl then had an awful thought, "James can't go home with Jimmy still being pissed off at him. He'll most likely hit him again and land him in the hospital again!"

Billy responded,"Yeah, you're right.

Axl said,"Maybe I can get Older Axl to let James live with him for a while."

Billy responded,"Older Axl's pretty busy with Guns N'Roses. I'm not so sure Older Axl will have time to have James living with him. "

Axl responded,"Hmm. Maybe if I BEG Older Axl to let James live with him, he'll see how desperate I am to have him protect James."

Billy said,"Asking Older Axl to let James live with him is a risky question."

Axl replied," If he says no, I can always let James live in a homeless Shelter," Axl said with a hail Mary offer, knowing that Billy wouldn't want James, one of his Brothers, living in a homeless Shelter.

"No!" Billy said desperately. "I don't want James living in a homeless Shelter! "

Axl smiled, knowing Billy wouldn't want James living in a homeless Shelter. His feelings were right.

Billy and Axl chatted seriously about getting Older Axl to let James live with him. They chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

Billy who was with Older Axl asked him how he felt about letting James live with him.

Older Axl responded, "I'm not so sure it's a good idea to let James live with me when I am going to do multiple Guns N'Roses Shows. Billy had also originally said that to Axl.

Older Axl called Axl.

Axl picked up.

Older Axl said,"A little Birdie asked me if James could live with me for a while."

Axl responded,"Please? I mean, James needs to be protected from Jimmy and you're the perfect person to help him out. And besides, you agreed to watch James," Axl tried guilt tripping Older Axl.

Older Axl said,"I agreed to watch Cake Cream for a couple of days while you relaxed on a much needed break for yourself. Not have James live with me for a while." Older Axl said matter of factly.

Axl begged him,"Please? Please? Please? Please?"

Older Axl lightheartedly said," You sound like a desperate dog. I'll do it because I can see how desperate you are for me to protect James from Jimmy and because we're close Family Members."

Axl thanked Older Axl and Older Axl welcomed him. Billy wasn't listening to this conversation. Older Axl had walked away from him.

Older Axl and Axl chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes and hung up.
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