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Old 10-19-2022, 04:11 PM   #183 (permalink)
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Default Fallout 76 pt.2 - Video Game Month 2022 - Oct 19th 2022

Fallout 76 [pt.2]

I know I literally just posted about Fallout 76, and I'm sure everybody by now knows that I'm having a good time playing it, especially recently. However, I wasn't anticipating that it'd become a regular gaming experience for me even after I decided to plunge into it randomly a few weeks ago. There are probably numerous reasons why I've decided to not only randomly jump in to see how things are with the game, and I know I've talked about them over and over and over again. But I think what the biggest main reason behind my enjoyment of the game is simply down to the fact that I know what kind of state this game was in back when it was released. And instead of Bethesda putting the cap on the game and moving onto something else, they decided instead to continue improving the game and putting more into it to fit the experience we were all hoping to get upon release.

Now, as it always goes with games like this, once the hype dies down, and especially if that hype was met with criticism, there are still a lot of people along with myself that decided it was time to jump back into it, prompting myself, and again, I'm sure others to enjoy the game for what it is and to try and take the faults that still linger and just sort of forget them.


Fast forward to current times: What is present in Fallout 76 that keeps bringing me back, despite it's faults? Well, as I said previously, in relation to the game when it was released, when I jump in now, I feel like I have choices as to how I want to experience the game whether it be through doing daily quests, continuing on with the main quests, or simply choosing a location on the map and stopping at landmarks along the way Skyrim style. It's got the same feel as far as gameplay goes as any other Fallout game, but I feel like I've explored more than enough of the previous games, and its honestly nice to see what this map has to offer. As it definitely feels like they put a lot into the little parts of the game to make the experience worth going through time and time again.

And although the quests are not the greatest I've ever seen in a MMO or even a Fallout game in general, it still gives the game more to do as far as activities go than it did when it was released. Which says a lot given there wasn't much to do to begin with. And even if its simply doing quests that don't have a lot of substance, I still enjoy it because I just like running around in Fallout 76 doing all kinds of things all the time. Never feeling like I absolutely have to follow a certain quests line etc.


My general consensus of Fallout 76 is pretty simple, as it is with pretty much any MMO/RPG that I want to put time into. It'll always be there for when I get the itch. Much the same as Elder Scrolls Online, I have a pretty good character on there if I get the itch to play something in the Elder Scrolls universe, and similarly I treat Fallout 76 the same way. At least until we see another mainline Fallout game. But if Fallout 76 is what we have for now, well I'm perfectly content putting my time into it.
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