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Old 02-27-2023, 09:16 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Key View Post
Appreciate it buddy. I may not be the best writer at times but I love video games and journals are fun
Your writing is fine enough for what you are currently doing. Don't be so hard on yourself about it.

Originally Posted by Key View Post

I'm honestly excited to get to this year because I get to talk about Jedi Fallen Order. This is one of those cases where I not only followed the development of this game from when it was first teased, but I also preordered it, and played through it twice. Once when it initially released, and another time when I learned of the sequel.

When I learned that there was going to be a Star Wars game that has an influence of Dark Souls-like mechanics, I was excited. Especially since around this time, my experience with Souls games in general was rather lack luster. I didn't get into them as much as other people because the difficulty curve was just a bit too high for my taste. Then comes Jedi Fallen Order, and suddenly I'm finding myself wanting to go back and play the Souls game, with the most recent one being Elden Ring, of course. Jedi Fallen Order is a pretty great game, with some mechanics that have definitely been used in games before. So, while the game definitely feels like its own things, overall it does feel familiar. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, hell it probably makes it even more accessible given that anyone could pick it up and have a good time. It's not the perfect Star Wars game, nowhere near it, but for it to be a Star Wars game that is completely absent of microtransactions and more focus went into making the game actually good, it's got me very excited for the next one in the series. And you know damn well I will try to get a special edition of that. Just based on some of the trailers already, I'm really looking forward to playing the sequel. If I didn't mention it already, the both times I played this game, I enjoyed immensely. But the second playthrough was probably a bit more fun as I had the basic jist of the game down, now I just had to put it into practice. And the combat just feels so good and makes you really feel like a powerful jedi. Much like the Force Unleashed games did.

For anyone that didn't feel like jumping into this game, it's the perfect time to do so now given that the sequel is quickly approaching.
When I first heard bout the Souls-esque gameplay style for this game. I was a bit weary and not sure I wanted to play it. I ended up getting it anyways and learned the whole dodge/parry and roll system. It wasn't as bad as I was dreading and actually got me a little more curious about getting into the other Souls game which I haven't really done yet. I did buy Elden Ring but because I'm so backlogged with games it's still in it's packaging actually. I'm currently working on God of War Raganarak and Fire Emblem Engage.

Originally Posted by Key View Post

This is a bit of an odd one because despite having played through this game and absolutely enjoying every minute of it, I'm finding it difficult to really remember too many details about it. So, I'm taking a post from a previous journal that sums it up nicely. I want this game to be featured here despite not really being able to talk about it in depth too much now because either I just simply don't remember anything about it that I want to, or I was just so engrossed into the game that I was only focusing on the now, and not really worrying about remembering much of it. I do remember enjoying it so much that I nearly 100% it, but it will always be a game on my PS4 that I just didn't quite finish. One day I'll get back to it, but anyway, here are my thoughts on Ghost of Tsushima:
I love Ghost of Tsushima and the best part about it is that after I finished the story they followed up with the multiplayer mode, Legends that got me excited to jump back into that world. I played Legends for a good solid two months before I moved on. I might try it out later tonight to see what patches or anything that they have added to it.

Originally Posted by Key View Post

I'm gonna be honest, this is another one of those years where I'm not 100% sold on the one I want to talk about, however it is the one that I certianly put the most time into when compared to the other games released this year. And on top of that, there were a lot of great games released in 2021, and the surrounding years both prior and ahead of it. And I'm serious, 2021 was a really good year in gaming. We had games like Monster Hunter Rise, Returnal, Loop Hero, Back 4 Blood. So many, but I definitely spent more time playing Outriders over any of those, and I honestly enjoyed my time with until the gameplay progression started to feel a bit stale as the game went on. Doesn't mean it's a bad game or anything. Hell, I was honestly more surprised by how good it actually was because I hadn't really heard of the game until it was released, and my brother told me to play it. I don't think I ever finished it, but it could certainly be one of those games that I go back to. I just have to be in the right mood.

Outriders follows the same kind of gameplay loop that games like Warframe or other third person mission based shooters, and there's not a lot of difference between this and those games, however I would still say that Outriders manages to stay in a league of its own despite it having a lot of similarities to other games. The customizations and the type of weapons you can get are neat and fun to mess around with, but unfortunately, I feel like the mission style gameplay sort of stales the experience a little bit. I remember games like Mercenaries where this type of gameplay was still going strong, however at that time, it still felt sort of new. Outriders still does what it needs to do well, but it unfortunately becomes more of a chore as you progress. Some people like that, some people don't. I don't mind either way, especially since the time I put into the game is time that I enjoyed immensely, so no hard feelings there.

I don't have a lot to say about Outriders because you sort of get what you see. You play as a character in third person with an arsenal of weapons, and you take on waves of enemies in different environments. The gameplay is fun, certainly. And the game does do a good job at making you want to progress, but there just isn't enough to where the progression feels warranted or great. If anything, if I were to rate this game, it'd be anywhere between good and great. It's nothing crazy or new, but it definitely is worth your time if you're looking for something to put time into.
I missed out on playing Outriders, it was another one of those games where I bought it but just didn't even open it because of spending time going through the infamous backlog. I will get around to it one day.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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