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Old 03-01-2023, 11:22 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Default Introduction To Pokemon Month - Favorite Generation - Favorite Pokemon

Welcome to Pokemon Month!

For the entire month of March, anything posted in this journal will in some way relate back to Pokemon whether we're talking about the video games or the cards, etc etc. I also want to preface this by saying that I'm not going to copy and paste the proper formatting of the name in every post given that it just takes too much time. So, you'll just have to deal with the word "Pokemon" without all the fancy lettering, etc. And, given that this is an introduction of sorts, I also want to take this time and start this month off by talking about two things right off the bat: my favorite Pokemon and my favorite generation of Pokemon. So, let's get right into it.

As far as Pokemon games go, I haven't played all of them, but I have played a fair share of them. I started playing the series back when it released as Pokemon Yellow, and I've tried to keep up with them over time, but again, haven't played all of them, especially the ones that have been released recently. I think the last ones I played are Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, and Pokemon Sword. Both great. I would love to play all of them at some point, but I know some are better than others. I just sort of lost interest one would say, though I do still hold the games in high regard. I mean, just as a game series, it's impressive how long it's been around. Anyway, throughout my journey, I've had some favorites i.e. Pokemon Black 2 and some not so favorites i.e. Pokemon Diamond, but still, they've all got their strengths and weaknesses. However, the one that I would undoubtedly choose as my absolute favorite generation would have to go to the third generation i.e. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. I have thought about this one for a while and I always bounce between my experience with the Pokemon Black / White series and Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire and both are near and dear to my heart. Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire just have that extra umph that makes it standout just a little more. First off, the music. It's perhaps one of my favorite soundtracks when talking about any of the soundtracks, and the elite four music for this generation is simply fantastic. I could literally listen to that one track among many others over and over and I would probably still enjoy it.

I unfortunately have not yet played the remakes of these games because at the time, it was just out of my price range. However, I have heard that they are worth playing if you love the generation. I have however played Heart Gold and that one is very close to taking my number one spot, but again, loses just slightly to both Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire.

I also think the Pokemon designs themselves are some of the most fun and creative that the series has ever seen. Torchic being my favorite starter from this generation, I had a really good time playing through the game with Blaziken, despite it having far more weaknesses than I bargained for. Though, I had a pretty decent party so having a fairly weak Pokemon didn't break the sale for me too much. Blaziken has continued to be one of my personal favorite Pokemon and I would definitely use it again if I decide to somehow acquire a copy of Pokemon Ruby. Only time will tell I'm afraid.

(also the rival battle when she or he has the Grovyle is still trapped in my brain and will never be forgotten)

On top of all that, I just think the overall feeling of adventure is truly apparent throughout the entire game and it is just boosted overall with the inclusions of the legendary's. Kyogre, Groudon, Latios, Latias, Regis, the list goes on. I think those Pokemon in particular are some of the coolest legendary's the series has ever seen, but I'm also incredibly biased as I probably played this generation far more than any of the others. That's a testament to it as a game though, that even after beating it a few times, I also feel the urge to go back because the story just feels good to go through. The Pokemon are always interesting, and the battles throughout are typically tough but fair. Never seems too easy but never seems impossible if you trained right.

Just an overall great generation of games and I certainly cherish the time that I spent on these games when I was younger. Some of my fondest memories of playing Pokemon, for sure.

Now that we have that out of the way, we're going to talk about my favorite Pokemon. Of course, I also do have a top 10 of sorts as far as Pokemon go, but with as many as there are now, it's certainly getting a little more difficult to increase that list as I am continuously unfamiliar with the current gen and given that we have over 1000 of them to choose from, making top lists for things like this is rather difficult. So I'm just keeping it to Pokemon I've used myself and have grown to love for myself. And the one that always sticks out to me is - Vaporeon. And even more specifically the entire Eevee line, and even Eevee itself. But as far as specific Pokemon go, it's definitely Vaporeon. I always seem to gravitate more towards pretty looking Pokemon when discussing my favorites as opposed to which ones are technically better. I mean, that's what it's all about anyway. Vaporeon has been a Pokemon that I not only carried through many generations of Pokemon, but it was one of the few that I actually raised all the way to level 100. And despite it being a relatively weak Pokemon in general, it served it's purpose by feeling more like a buddy instead of a Pokemon, given that like I said, I carried it through many of the games. It ended up on a copy of Pokemon X a few years ago, and I have since lost that copy. So, somewhere out there, a level 100 Vaporeon lies on a cartridge unless it was deleted. That's ok though. I have a Vaporeon in Pokemon Go that follows me everywhere, I have posters of the Eevee line and Vaporeon on my walls and I have a super protected holo of Vaporeon in my card collection so I think I've made up for it. Though, what I would give to get my original Vaporeon back.

Well that's as good of a welcome as you're gonna get from me for Pokemon Month! Strap yourselves in because this is going to be a fun ride!

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