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Old 05-04-2006, 02:24 PM   #100 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 924

fact - women don't actually get looser. Its a mith. The only real way for a women to get looser is after having a child and most offten then not the woman will go back to her natural size before getting pregnant, and if a man is with the same girl for so long his **** will be used to the feeling of being inside of her, so much that it might not feel as tight as she felt when they first had sex.

so thats not a good statement that was made.. don't any of you watch sex with sue? sunday night sex show?

women end up getting called sluts (to me) because of this. Many women like to be loved, and needed, and have grown to know that we take care of the man, if we treat them better they treat us better.. thus us wanting to be happy we look for this guy.. the one. Many women find themselves in troublesome relationships, getting abuse of many kinds, and this will lower her self esteem, so in her journey to find 'the one', she keeps thinking she's found him in all the wrong places, like she keeps finding the same 'type' of guy over and over, before she knows it she has slept with however many guys. to me a woman can not actually have a one night stand with a man without some part of her wishing for something more, more so when the sex is great, or seems emtionally good, and tender. The woman then likes this feeling, making her want more, more so if she is a loving person.. or she might wish for less, and to be treated like a whore if she has a rather low self esteem.

i personally think some women do sleep with more men, then men sleep with more women, because of those very reasons. but i disagree with the women being a whore for doing so... before a women gets called a whore there should be real reasons as to why...

to me men should be called whores before women, because most men show less emotion towards sex, and the ways of treating a women. If many women are whores, why be the next number on her list to the journey to find the one.. when by the time she finds that guy she's sletp with so many the 'the one' has to some how force himself in the right state of mind to accpet all the men she has encountered in her lifetime. creepy.
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