Music Banter - View Single Post - Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D
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Old 05-07-2023, 06:02 AM   #171 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 438

In the Cop car, Mark had woken up and realized the Cops had handcuffed his hands IN front of him, not the back of him like they were supposed to. And this cop car didn't have a partition between the Criminal and the Cops. The Cops were parked, filing paperwork.

Dumb move, Mark thought smugly. Mark deftly reached over and knocked out both Cops. He made sure they weren't dead because he wasn't trying to get the death penalty for Murdering Cops. Mark was then able to unlock his handcuffs and flee on foot. Mark found an abandoned motorcycle and the motorcycle helmet. The motorcycle key was in the ignition. Mark thought, "Perfect." Mark was wearing long sleeve shirts, so he couldn't be identified by his new tattoos.

He put on the motorcycle helmet and took off the license plate. He stole the motorcycle. He decided to ride the motorcycle. On his ride, he saw a gun lying in the grass. He decided to ride to a Wild Guns Concert that started in about an hour and pose as Older Axl.

He spoke in Older Axl's voice perfectly and asked a stagehand where his dressing room was. The stagehand innocently told him where it was, and Mark thanked him. He had his gun hidden.

The stagehand welcomed him and he went to Older Axl's dressing room. He barged into Older Axl's dressing room and spoke in Younger Axl's baritone Bass sounding impersonation. Mark said,"Hello, Older Axl, it's me, Young Axl!" How are you? Older Axl was immediately alarmed and tried to run, but Mark knocked him out with the gun barrel and tied him up. He then snooped through Older Axl's phone and called Axl.

Axl saw that Older Axl was calling him. Axl picked up the phone and Mark said in Older Axl's higher pitched voice impersonation, "Hi, it's me, it's Older Axl, how are you doing?"

Axl saw red flags. "I'm doing fine, Axl, he said, cautiously.

Mark as Older Axl said," Please come to the Wild Guns Concert. He told him where his dressing room was. And come with Andy. Just you two.

Axl was even more alarmed. Why do you want just me and Andy? Why not all of us?" Axl questioned.

Mark as Older Axl was like,"I just want to speak with you and Andy, just us three, no other Cake Cream Members.

Axl was like, "Okay, I'm coming with Andy!

Mark as Older Axl was like,"Good!" Mark abruptly hung up.

Axl found the abrupt hanging up even more alarming.

Axl told Cake Cream his feelings and they all agree something was fishy. They ALL said they were coming.

Axl was like,"It's weird that Older Axl just wanted me and Andy to come. "

Cake Cream all agreed this was weird. They all still agreed to go with Axl and Andy.

They all put on bulletproof vests and motorcycle helmets and went to the Wild Guns Concert. Axl removed his helmet and asked the same stagehand how Older Axl was doing. The Stagehand was like," Older Axl asked me where his dressing room was and I told him where it was..I think he's doing fine." Axl had a bad feeling in his stomach. Cake Cream also all had a bad feeling in their stomachs.

Axl asked,"Did you actually see Older Axl's face when he asked you where his dressing room was?

The Stagehand said,"No, he was wearing a motorcycle helmet."

Oh my God! Cake Cream and Axl all thought internally. No! It couldn't be!"

Axl desperately begged the stagehand to tell him where Older Axl's dressing room was. The stagehand told him where it was. Axl thanked him and Cake Cream all did too and were welcomed.

Axl and Cake Cream all rushed to Older Axl's dressing room. Axl was choked up to see Older Axl being knocked out and tied up. Cake Cream were also all upset.

He soon saw Mark Riley! Mark Riley pulled out a gun and said" It was just supposed to be you and Andy that showed up! Mark said in his real voice.

Mark pointed the gun at Older Axl's head!

Noooo! Axl cried inhumanly. Please leave Older Axl alone! He's innocent in this!"

Cake Cream were also screaming,"Noooo!"

Mark said,"You know what I want! I want Andy!" He still pointed the gun at Older Axl's head. Axl screamed emotionally. Andy cried.

Mark said,"Give me Andy or I'll blow your precious Older Axl's head off. What will it be? Older Axl's life or giving me Andy? Your choice, Axl! You have three minutes to decide. He cocked the gun. The countdown starts now!

Axl had a tough choice to make. If he didn't give Andy to Mark, Mark would murder Older Axl. But, he couldn't just give Andy over to this crazed, obsessed, Andy Fan. Axl had to make a choice quickly! He only had about two minutes left! Andy and Axl privately agreed to give Mark what he wanted.

Axl said,"I've made my decision. Mark was interested. "What is your decision?"

Axl said,"Andy goes with you!" Cake Cream was shocked. Did Axl just agree to give Andy to Mark?

Mark was happy and satisfied. Andy went to him and they kissed. Mark was so invested in the kiss, he put the gun down. Axl grabbed the gun, and put the safety on and Andy pulled away and walked away from Mark. Mark was confused. But then he saw that Axl had the gun in his hands and pointed it at him.

Step away from Older Axl, Axl ordered Mark coldly and calmly. Mark did.

Axl said in a deathly cold voice, "Get out of here and leave me, Cake Cream, Older Axl, all of Wild Guns all alone forever or I will blow off YOUR head! Mark got scared and ran away. Mark didn't want his head blown off!

Axl got some smelling salts and waved them under Older Axl's nose. Older Axl smarter than me up. They untied Older Axl.

Older Axl what the hell was going on. He said the last he remembered, someone claiming to be Younger Axl was in his dressing room. He saw the gun and questioned about it.

Axl replied,"Let's just say, there was a problem that has been taken care of. Older Axl was like,"Okay." Axl told him he'd be wise to keep that gun on him for protection and he did. Axl and Cake Cream thought they should tell Older Axl the radioactive radiation password and they told it to him. Older Axl took the radioactive radiation password seriously. Cake Cream, Older Axl and Axl all chatted for a while, and then Older Axl then got ready for the Wild Guns Show. He soon gave them 6 free tickets . They all thanked him and be welcomed them. Older Axl put on his bulletproof vest and his motorcycle helmet and went to the Venue. Wild Guns preformed behind bulletproof plexiglass barriers.

The Show was phenomenal, but Axl, Andy, and the rest of Cake Cream all hoped that Mark Riley would stay away from them and Older Axl for good.

After the show, Cake Cream and Axl went to the Luxurious Penthouse Suite, ate, and fell asleep.
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