Music Banter - View Single Post - Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:35 AM   #198 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 438

The Back Off Bitch bar performance was already going viral. Haters of Cake Cream and Axl were like,"Axl should be cancelled over this, calling a Woman a Bitch in 2023! Shame on him! "

Axl asked Cake Cream,"What does cancelled mean in 2023? Is it like canceling a TV Show?"

Cake Cream were like,"Basically, the Haters are implying that you should be shunned."

Axl was like,"Allison deserved that song, I shouldn't be shunned over it, she really is a lying, conniving, evil, cold hearted Bitch."

Cake Cream all backed up Axl. Axl smiled.

Fans stood up for Axl saying,"Allison literally ****ed over her Boyfriend with his Brother! At least James quickly realized he made a mistake having sex with Allison, but Allison is STILL being a downright Count! Axl is completely right!".

Axl blushed shyly at the support of his Fans. Axl posted, "I never Allison's name in Back Off Bitch, but thank you guys for the support.

Fans were skeptical about Axl's answer about Allison not being said I'm Back Off Bitch, but welcomed him. Axl and the Fans chatted for a bit and then said their goodbyes.

For fun, Axl suggested to Cake Cream that he write a list of Cake Cream and Axl's friends and enemies. Cake Cream thought that would be fun. Axl smiled and wrote, "Enemies. Brian Washington, Mr. Wealthy, Charles Martin, Max Kendall, Allison Peters, John Wilson, Maxwell Nichols, Mark Riley, Billy's Prosecutor.

Friends and Acquaintances. Rocking Rick, Timothy Wilkinson, Older Axl, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven, Melissa from Guns N'Roses, Melissa The Waitress, Frank, Richard, Dizzy, Sam, Patrick, Dean, Matthew, the Manager from the Local Marriott, the LYFT Driver, the Manager from the Olympic Stadium, Kenny, Thomas (Wild Water), Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Mick Jagger, James's Medical Staff, Jim from Jim's Mixed Martial Arts.

Axl was like,"We have more Friends and Acquaintances than Enemies, so that's good." Axl was smiling. Cake Cream backed up Axl.

Cake Cream and Axl all chatted about how quickly things escalated from when Brian Washington was their biggest problem.

Axl said,"Yep, we had no idea what we were going to be headed into when I punched Brian Washington in his face and broke his camera for harassing, stalking, filming and following me around! " Axl laughed and Cake Cream laughed too.

Jimmy said,"Actually, this all started when I lifted up your sleeve at the "We made it!" Party and revealed your Appetite For Destruction Album Cross Tattoo when we still thought you were Michael Randall Johnson. " Cake Cream all backed up Jimmy.

Axl was like,"Yep, you're right, Jimmy. Wow, we've come so far since then. Who knew that revealing my Tattoo at the party would lead to all these ups and downs? " Cake Cream and Axl all giggled. Axl added,"I wonder were Cake Cream would be today if you guys and the the general public STILL thought I was Michael Randall Johnson to this day." Cake Cream answered,"Hopefully, we'd still be successful to this day." Everybody smiled. James said,"A lot of things wouldn't have happened however like Brian Washington wouldn't have been stalking, filming, harassing, and following Michael Randall Johnson.

Andy said,"Axl wouldn't ever have been a Fugitive on the run if Brian Washington thought that Axl was Michael Randall Johnson.

Axl looked at Andy deeply and said,"And you never would have attempted to sell me out for $5,000 had I never been a Fugitive on the run."

Andy blushed. Andy said,"I'm REALLY sorry about that."

Axl responded,"I know."

Cake Cream and Axl all chatted about how JIMMY started the chain of events by revealing Axl's Tattoo at the party early on.

Axl responded,"Actually, I PUBLICLY started the chain of events when I got up on stage and covered for Older Axl when he lost his voice at the first Guns N'Roses Show I went to in 2022. The News begun wondering if I was really Axl Rose who time traveled from 1987 to 2022. Before I went on stage to cover for Older Axl, people just said stuff like,"You look just like Axl Rose! I dyed my hair black so People would stop telling me I looked just like myself!" Axl laughed.

Cake Cream laughed too. Axl paused thoughtfully. "Actually, the Guns N'Roses Fans I ran into within my first moments of being in 2022 did keep making jokes that I was Axl Rose. Fans tend to know more than people who don't care about Guns N'Roses." Cake Cream backed up Axl. They all chatted for a while.

On the News, Allison did another scathing prison interview, where she said,"Axl and Cake Cream have a creepy codependency on each other. They have an extremely toxic relationship and friendship with each other. It's very disturbing. I saw Mike masturbating to Child Porn. I saw Andy doing Voodoo Rituals. I saw Billy and Andy ****ing each other in bed! Jimmy cheated on me with a Prostitute, so I ****ed James to get back at Jimmy! I purposely left my panty in James's bed, and then bounced, knowing that Jimmy would find it and beat up James over it!

Mike said uncomfortably ,"I have never watched Child Porn, only watched Adult Porn. Axl said,"I know. Cake Cream backed up Mike and Axl.

Andy said," I have never done Voodoo! And Billy and I have never had sex!

Billy affirmed that he and Andy had never had sex with each other.

Axl said,"I believe you Billy and Andy."

Jimmy said,"I didn't cheat on Allison with a Prostitute."

Axl and Cake Cream backed up Jimmy.

Axl looked at James deeply and was like,"THIS lying ho is who you temporarily threw away a good Brothership with Jimmy for!

Jimmy looked at James deeply and James blushed.

James said,"Yeah, I made a huge mistake having sex with Allison and temporarily throwing away a good Brothership with Jimmy.

There was a break in the News and commercials aired. When the News came back on, Allison continued ranting in the interview. She said,"Axl called me a Bitch in the Back Off Bitch song at the bar. Axl's a dick, an *******, a Mother****er, a creepy creep, a Loser! I'm suing Axl for calling me a Bitch!"

Allison went on a nasty rant against each and every Cake Cream Member. Allison came off as a raging, vindictive, selfish, bitter ho.

The News Anchors were like,"Wow!" They were speechless.

Axl was like,"Look at how innocent Allison looks. She is so pretty, you'd never guess how evil, vindictive, petty, bitchy, hateful, etc she really is just by looking at her. She truly has a face of an angel with a love of a witch!"

Cake Cream all backed up Axl. Cake Cream and Axl ate and chilled more in the Luxurious Penthouse Suite and fell asleep.
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