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Old 05-09-2006, 07:54 AM   #765 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 17

Soad prog metal? Right and I'm the dead pope.
I don't know who though of that but with prog metal I'm thinking more of the lines like ayreon or dream theater, marillion and stuff.
I would say melodic rock. It's not really metal anymore since their last couple of albums. Ow and serj... while vocally the guy is great but lyric-wise. God almighty does he suck. I mean I don't know about you guys but I've had enough of all those politically based lyrics about war and ****e.

As for static-x industrial is about right as for the genre.
I do think the guy's is a good singer and lyrics are by my taste not so bad although sometimes a little too emo-ish.
and musically it sounds pretty good I really like the electronic effects.
they remind me of mnemic.

So I would prefer static-x over soad. But they are both great band with their own good stuff and bad stuff.
they are way too different to really compare them.
And what is with this thread and people giving an opinion without explaining why they think that.
just get a good opinion...
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