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Old 05-17-2006, 10:51 PM   #121 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by jibber
no, what i meant was that because i spend so much time around these guys, i've gotton to be really good friends with them. This means that they treat me as they treat their guy friends, so it's easy for me to know how guys typically react in certain situations. I've also come to realize that most guys seem to act the same way i do in relationships and think the same way I do. It's not as if guys are some kind of alien species that are speaking a different language. the vast majority of the time, they're just like girls, only slightly hornier.

So true. Both sex's are as bad as each other. Finding a guy that isn't a total lying prick is rather hard though. They're of course easy to be friends with!
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