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Old 05-23-2006, 12:55 AM   #201 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
Make it so
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QUOTE=davidMC1982 I have some questions for the women.

Who's more shallow, men or women? I ask because, in my mind, most men are happy if a girl is vaguely interested, whereas most women won't even look at a man if he's wearing the wrong shoes. Are shoes that important?

Both. Men just are more open about it.

Why will a woman consistently complain about meeting the "wrong type of guy" yet continue to go to the same places, chat up those same "wrong type of" guys etc?

Because they're stupid. I tried different places, good places you know respectable, and I met a guy who seemed really normal and cool, turns out he had a girlfriend who had no idea about us. See? Doesn't matter so much where you meet them.

Why do women try to change men they are dating, when they were obviously attracted to them in the first place? What sort of improvement are you looking for?

No more caps! But usually it's something small that we think matters but won't matter for men to change.

Do you all plan your weddings from the age of 3?

Hell no, not me.

Do all women think a guy who talks to them is trying to get in their knickers?

Basically yes. Can you really say you're not?

When stating, "you should know", do you really think we have any idea what you're talking about?

I don't say that, I just tell them why they screwed up.

Would you sleep with a man who was wearing nothing but socks?

No, I'd sleep with my boyfriend
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