Music Banter - View Single Post - Music Banter And It’s Hatred of Mainstream Pop Music
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Old 05-28-2006, 09:55 PM   #60 (permalink)
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In a sense I think technology is partially to blame for the blandness of pop music these days, providing you actually find it bland that is. Technology has disassociated the music from the musician.
Think about all the mastering and editing of a song that goes on before it's released these days, all this fine tuning equipment that earlier artists never used to have. I would donate a kidney to charity if, for example, Britney actually knew how to work all this stuff, and she did her own music through and through. But she doesn't, and because she doesn't she has to get some technical team to do it. As soon as this guy comes in and starts playing with the beat, lyrics, rhythm, the tone of her voice etc etc it's no longer solely Britney's piece of music.

When it's finally released, it's really only 10% Britney, 90% some backstage team.

And I think this is where some of the detest for modern-day mainstream pop comes from, this lack of authentication, pride and effort that still somehow makes them the hottest of property around the world.

I know all musicians do some form of mastering at some stage, but none go to the extent and overdose the way pop artists do. Musicians that genuinely care for music, don't become so completely detached to something they're putting their name to.

Just something I think about when someone asks me what I think of artists like Spears or Simpson. I guess this relates back to my first post, I can see why people like it, but this is why I do not respect it.
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