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Old 05-30-2006, 03:05 PM   #15 (permalink)
Full-Time Hellion
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: PA
Posts: 1,531

16/female/Philly, PA

2:What is your favorite kind of music?
Punk (and all it's forms and variations)

3:What are the ways that you entertain yous self ( bars,cinema etc )?
sports, writing, music, eating, pranks, eating, and that's about it

4:What kind of clothes do you wear?is the fasion style related with the music you listen?
I get dressed in the dark. But most of my clothes are black, grey or blue. Sometimes it's related to the music I listen to. I have several Ozzfest t's and some other shirts advertising the occasional band or whatever.

5: Do you use alcohol [or drugs (optional) ]?
Yes. To both

6:Are you a student or do you work and if you are working what is your job?
I am a student and I work. I take up odd jobs and juggle babysitting. MOst of my odd jobs revolve around art and ebay, and some other more illegal and socially inappropiate things.

7: Does music play important role in your life?
Hell yes

8: Do you think that music sould touch social problems or it should be just for fun with out further meanings ( write a few things if you like ) ?
To me, music is a form of expression and not always just a means of entertaining people, but sometimes also to inform people of something.
Most rap I listen to contains a message. 2Pac has a message. Dead Prez has a message, even Johnny Cash has a message.

A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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