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Old 05-30-2006, 04:59 PM   #19 (permalink)
Merkaba's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 2,885


I'm 18 today, but 19 tomorrow/M/New Zealand

2:What is your favorite kind of music?

Stoner Rock/Metal

3:What are the ways that you entertain yous self ( bars,cinema etc )?

Bars, beach, music, movies, all the usual stuff.

4:What kind of clothes do you wear?is the fasion style related with the music you listen?

Tidy shorts/rough jeans and a slim fitting Tee would be my preferable outfit, and no connection with the music.

5: Do you use alcohool [or drugs (optional) ]?
I drink, but no drugs.

6:Are you a student or do you work and if you are working what is your job?


7: Does music play important role in your life?

Not really, as in, it doesn't have any major impacts, but I do enjoy spending time exploring it.

8: Do you think that music sould touch social problems or it should be just for fun with out further meanings ( write a few things if you like ) ?

It's whatever the writer feels. If theres to be meaning to it, then thats a bonus. If it's just fun, it can still be enjoyable.
She thinks I'm a reclusive genius, she's going to be very disappointed when she finds out i'm a reclusive wanker
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